Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A Tribute to Mr. Powers

On Monday night, Woodson and I ventured off campus and went to a five star hotel just down the road. ISB is located in the middle of corporate park, just to the west of Hyderabad. A number of major western companies have operations here... Microsoft, Deloitte, Dell and UBS, to name a few. Because there are so many businesses here, this part of town is fairly westernized and has some nice hotels to accommodate business travelers. The hotel was full of Americans.

We went to the hotel for dinner to get some non-Indian cuisine. Amazingly, we found hamburgers on the menu - albeit, it was spelled "ham burger", two words. I got up enough courage to order one (you never know what their limited beef selection will be like here), but the waiter said the hotel was not serving hamburgers that day. I guess the beef shipment from Texas or wherever must have hit a snag. Indian food it was.

Kenny Powers

“Sure, I’ve been called a xenophobe, but the truth is I’m not. I just feel that America’s the best country and all the other countries aren’t as good. That used to be called patriotism." --Kenny Powers, Eastbound and Down


  1. This has become your best post thanks to the great Kenny Powers.

  2. It would be a better post if your previous one about your haircut included a picture of you with a Kenny Powers haircut
